Keeping Me in Stitches

Thursday, February 08, 2007

consumer stupidity

And not mine for once! But I did make a stupid mistake. Lost finally started airing new shows last night, and I'd programmed the vcr to tape it. Like an idiot, I programmed the time right, but the channel wrong.

I knew that iTunes carried the show, so I went there. They wanted $1.99 to download the show. Right. I was pretty sure that it was being offered free somewhere else.

Sure enough, right on There was the show for free. Granted, it didn't get posted there until 8 or so this morning, but I was able to watch it.

My question is this. Why would one place offer it to you for a price when they (and you) know that it can be gotten for free somewhere else?


  • At 10:32 PM, Blogger dragon knitter said…

    my only thought is that it's limited availablitiy at, and when it's gone there, itunes will still have it

    if i oculd think (sudafed assisted nyquil, here i come!


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