Keeping Me in Stitches

Friday, March 14, 2008

making the to-do list

I have to find some way to keep myself awake at work!

Weekend to-do list:
-Clean the house, including:
-Pick-up the living room, dining room, bedrooms
-Do taxes and mail them.
-Do at least one part of secret project.
-Pack for going home on Tuesday.
-Finish spinning first 4 oz of Big Yellow Taxi.
-Finish Sorbet Tulip baby sweater.

I think that's about enough to be getting along with. Anything else I get done will just be a bonus. Like sleep....sleep would be a bonus this weekend.

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  • At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Heck, forget the cleaning, just spin, knit, pack and sleep. The messes will still be there when you get back ;)


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