Keeping Me in Stitches

Sunday, November 20, 2005

the knitting continues

Working on the third pattern repeat of Sarah's shawl. Bought yarn for a knitted Yoda for Dad. Almost done with one pattern repeat of my left Hermione mitten. That's all.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I give you the new cuteness

So my mom actually came up with the hare-brained scheme for once instead of me. It involves getting my dad a puppy for Christmas. Not just any puppy, but what he'd call "a real dog" i.e. a dog he can take hunting. So Mom and I are in cahoots to get Dad a Brittney spaniel. Here she is.

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She's so adorable! Mom and I are going to pick her up Thanksgiving weekend and give her to Dad then so I can see his face and take my part of the blame if he hates her. But how can you hate such a sweet face! *disintegrates into cooing baby noises* Ahem. Better now. But if Dad hates this dog, then I'm going to take her. She's just too cute!

No workie tonight!

Well, I've had a first. The first time since I started working that I've ever called in. I had worked Friday and Saturday night, then went to church Sunday morning to play bells at both services. Unfortunately, second service went long (thanks to two baptisms) and I didn't get home until noon. There was no way I was going to be able to function at work on 4 hours or less of sleep since it wouldn't be safe for me or my patients, so I called in. Then proceded to sleep until 1:15 AM. 13 hours. Guess I really needed it. I'm off tonight (Monday) too, so should be able to get caught up.

In knitting news...
I still haven't restarted the lace shawl. I just can't bring myself to do it. Maybe next weekend when I'm off and have a little more time.

In the meantime, I started a very very very simple lace shawl out of the sari silk yarn I bought this summer. It's going to be so much nicer than a purse. It's going fast, and I'm almost done with the first ball.

Still need to start my Hermione mittens. I've resigned myself to the fact that they won't be done in time for the movie since it opens this Friday. I should just start the ones like them that I'm planning on knitting for my friend Kristi.

And that's all I've got for ya!

Friday, November 11, 2005

somebody shoot me now

Before I give you a reason for shooting me, here are pictures of the hats from the contest at SoP.
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Mine's the red cable/bobble hat in the second picture. I didn't win anything but got a lot of compliments on it and it's going to look great with my HP uniform when I go to the movie. Plus it was just fun to knit.

So sit and knit was fun tonight. Erin and Minnie were an absolute riot. Knitting and crocheting small animals and aliens leads to some very interesting conversations. Sorry I was so out of it tonight guys!

And because I was so out of it, I somehow managed to majorly screw up my leaf lace shawl. Even after a 2 hour nap, I was unable to get it to a point where I can salvage it. So here it is.
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It has been completely frogged and I will be using lifelines in my next attempt. I don't know what went wrong. My row counts were coming out right, but the pattern got off somehow. Probably skipped a row while we were laughing at flying pigs, lemur tails and Yoda ears.

I'm feeling slightly depressed. I'm off to comfort myself with Ben and Jerry's

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Here I sit...

Wednesday morning. I should be sleeping since I stayed up all night and I've got a meeting for work at 1:30, but I'm wide awake.

My dad's Christmas present is done. Just needs to have the ends woven in and a soak in some Eucalan followed by some light blocking. That'll happen later today. So I'll have two things to show the ladies at sit and knit tomorrow!

No more progress on the lace shawl. It's not exactly something I can knit on when my pup's out of her cage. I'm going to have to start some socks or something easy soon so I have something to do while I watch tv.

Guess I'll go and watch X-men until I fell sleepy or it's time to get ready for the meeting. Whichever comes first.

Monday, November 07, 2005

plugging away

Went to SoP on Saturday to get some help with starting my friend's shawl that I'm making her for Christmas. Becky S. was kind enough to demonstrate how to do a provisional cast-on to poor, crochet-unable me. After only two false starts I was off and flying. Got the set-up rows and two whole pattern repeats done before I left. The ladies seemed to think I was flying through it and I'll even admit that it might get done in time for Christmas.

Especially since I just joined on the fourth ball of DB cashmerino aran for my dad's Irish Hiking Scarf. I think if I do about 10 more repeats it'll be plenty long enough for him. I might have that done by sit and knit on Thursday too.

Next will be the mittens to match my Hatmione. I really want to have them done for GoF since I'm going in costume with another lady from work. We're planning on hitting the noon showing on Friday before all the little kiddies get out of school. I don't think there are going to be any midnight showings at the theaters here, but I'm going to check this week.

And it's awesome that titaniumrose won the hat contest at SoP!!! I'm just wondering if the numbers on our hats was the indicator for how we placed. If that's the case, my Hatmione came in sixth. Not bad. Better than it thought it would if that was the case. I took pictures of all the hats on Saturday. They're still on my camera so I'll post them later this week.

Suppose I'd better head off to bed. Need to get some sleep today so I can be awake for work tonight.